Drilling number
Drilling number
  • International
  • Canada
  • US
  • 911

    Daily drilling / station

  • 194

    Daily drilling / station

  • 784

    Daily drilling / station

Crude oil prices
Crude oil prices
  • US crude oil
  • Brent
  • Latest price (USD / barrel): 78.78

    Highest:78.81 Lowest:76.22

  • Latest price (USD / barrel): 84.85

    Highest:85.34 Lowest:84



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Company news

The NOE logging manifold has been skidded and landed in Argentina

NOE has successfully delivered two high pressure high temperature (HPHT) logging kits to Halliburton for use on a well known project in Argentina.

NOE Successfully Delivered Batch of Well Testing Equipment to UAE Project

Recently, NOE successfully delivered the first batch of well testing equipment to NESR (National Energy Services Reunited), a world-renowned oil service company, which will be used for the well testing operation of an international oil company in the United Arab Emirates.

NOE Delivered the First Batch of Choke Valve to Oman Block60 Oilfield

Recently, NOE successfully delivered the first batch of choke valves to a well -known exploration and production company in the Middle East. The batch of equipment will be used for the production of Oman Block 60 oil fields.

NOE Successfully Delivered the First High -pressure Choke and Kill Manifold for Saudi Arabia Project

Recently, the NOE Saudi Choke and Kill Manifold project was successfully delivered. The whole set of equipment was 5.5 meters long, 4.1 meters wide, 4.2 meters high, and weighed 37 T. It is the largest set of equipment delivered by the company so far.

NOE Choke and Kill Manifold Successfully Landed on the Sapura Drilling Platform

Recently, NOE Choke and Kill Manifold, which is independently designed and produced us, successfully completed the factory FAT, and landed on the Sapura T11 platform. The platform is currently being built.

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